Wednesday, December 31, 2008
With the marking of the new year, i now need to emphasise my need to be different from everyone,i won't be writing the cliche wishes but instead honouring words of the wise and the brilliant who will not be forgotten in 2009 or anytime soon.

"One of the greatest titles we have is "old friend".We never appreciate how important friends are until we are older.The problem is we need to start friendships when we are young.We have to nurture and grow those friendships through our middle age when a busy life and changing geographies and lead us to neglect those friends .Today is the day to invest in those people we will call old friends in years to come"-Grant Fairley

Today marks the begining of 2009.This year will have many changes, and its up to you if you want to go with the tide or to be left stranded ashore. New bonds will be made while old ones will be broken,new chances will appear and old dissapointments may return.

To phrase it with words based on more then worthy source,

Im not promising you that everyday will be sunny, some will definitely be dark.But when you are stuck in the darkness and despair, do recall that it is only in the darkness of the night that we can see the stars,and those stars will be the ones to guide you home.And so eventually you do realise that in the pursuit of happiness the journey is in fact the destination.

May the coming of the new year bring new heights for us as a population as we embrace the change that we improve us. Bear in mind that change is neccessary ,those who look to preach must first embrace that change themselves before they begin to preach to others. For our strength cannot be measured, our strength may be as limitless as we want it to be.

And thus i end by quoting William Henley.

"It matters not how straight the gate,
how charegd with punishments the scroll,
"i am master of my fate,
i am captain of my soul"

The best to all of us in 2009

~Words Of Zameer A Husref~
Good night and good luck
Signing off @ 9:15 AM

Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Yes yes yes, im still bored
Yes.Still bored but i have plans tmrw morning then im meeting the guys for soccer so tmrw shld be fun anw heres a blogthings quiz

What car will i drive?

You Should Drive a Lamborghini

A true daredevil, you're always in search of a new rush. Clearly, you're a total speed demon... just don't get caught!

What Sports Car Should You Drive?

What Zameer Husref Means: Z is for Zealous

Z is for Zealous

A is for Adventurous

M is for Modern

E is for Earthy

E is for Edgy

R is for Revolutionary

H is for Healthy

U is for Unforgettable

S is for Silly

R is for Rare

E is for Excellent

F is for Futuristic

What Does Your Name Mean?

Are you a movie buff?

Your Movie Buff Quotient: 76%

You are a total movie buff. Classics, blockbusters, indie favorites... you've seen most of them.

Your friends know to come to you whenever they need a few good DVD rental suggestions.

Are You a Movie Buff?

What coffe are you?

You Are an Espresso

At your best, you are: straight shooting, ambitious, and energetic

At your worst, you are: anxious and high strung

You drink coffee when: anytime you're not sleeping

Your caffeine addiction level: high

What Kind of Coffee Are You?
Signing off @ 9:17 AM

Sunday, December 28, 2008
Overnight quizzes of course
Grammar quiz
The mistake was because i didn't notice the difference between 2 answers, not cause i didn't know.

You Scored an A

You got 9/10 questions correct.

It's pretty obvious that you don't make basic grammatical errors.

If anything, you're annoyed when people make simple mistakes on their blogs.

As far as people with bad grammar go, you know they're only human.

And it's humanity and its current condition that truly disturb you sometimes.

The It's Its There Their They're Quiz

Are there gaps in my knowledge quiz

There Are 2 Gaps in Your Knowledge

Where you have gaps in your knowledge:



Where you don't have gaps in your knowledge:






Science not surprising, philosiphy really?

What kind of blogger are you?

You Are a Snarky Blogger!

You've got a razor sharp wit that bloggers are secretly scared of.

You're honest and critical. You never hold back, even if you're opinion is controversial.

Okay, let's be honest. You try to make your posts as controversial as possible!

And that's why your audience reads your posts as often as they can.

Hmmm spot on i dare say.

~Z Husref Signing Off~

Do You Have Gaps in Your Knowledge?
Signing off @ 9:54 AM

For the first time in history, someone,me, is going to ask Johnny Depp, Zameer A Husrefs favourite actor, to turn down working with Tim Burton.Why, You ask?What about all the great movies they've made? Why would he turn one down?See, in the latest installment of the Batman movie series, in which Cristian Bale stars as the cape crusader, the characters of The Riddler and Robin are going to be introduced, now the castings were more or less set that Johnny Depp was suppose to play the riddler and shia le bouf was suppose to be robin. But since Tim Burton is now coming up with his of course immensely gothic version of Alice in Wonderland,in which he wants Depp to play the mad hatter, now with the making of Pirates part 4, a theatre and directing career Depp feels he might have to turn down the role as the riddler, leaving the director with his second choice for the role, Eddie Murphy.

I know what your thinking WTH!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?



Ahh shit...

So i just hope Johnny learns to cope, or i know i won't be watching the next batman ...

~Z Husref Signing Off~
Signing off @ 8:54 AM

Monday, December 22, 2008
Quiz 2
Chocolate or Vanilla ice cream?
Vanilla owns chocolates bithces!

When you looked in the mirror today, what was your first thought?
Can one person be that awesome?

Do you like the snow or rain better?
Snow, cant u tell by me living in spore?

If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
Away from it all

What color is your cell phone?

Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your cell phone?

Last furry thing you touched?
Suggestive statement much?

Choose: A million bucks or to be able to fly?
A million bucks, i'll get a private jet and fly in style

Have you ever faked sick?
Yup.Im an actor , an awesome one at that

Have you ever seen a dead body?
Yup, some maid jumped off from the 15th floor at my grandfathers block

Have you ever lie to someone to make them feel good about themselves?
If you dont count my mum who have to make feel good, then no, im as foreward as anyone can be

In your opinion, whats the best way for someone to die?
In my opinion , ppl shld be immortal

What type of day are you having?
I dunno.

How many windows are open in your computer?
23 tabs, 6 windows

The last time you were in the fridge, what were you looking for?
Coke, and no there wasn't any....shit

Do you like clowns?
Scare the hell out of me

Have you ever spent the night in the hospital?
Yep. dun really rmbr why though

What's your third text in your inbox?
"Buto, go KL for what?"-Razi

Are you listening to anything at the moment?
Patience- GnR

How do you handle stress?
Make everyone around me feel as stressed as i am

Would you rather spend a whole day with your mom or your dad?
My mum wont let my dad out of her sight and my dad wouldn't let my mum go anywhere without him so i dont really have a choice

Has anyone ever borrowed something from you and never returned it?
Hmm.Dunnos, probably i suppose

If women ruled the world would there be more peace?
Huh?You mean bush isn;t a bitch? And hes not president anymore , screw political correctness

Can you text without looking at your phone?

Do you eat junk food or chocolate when your sad or depressed?
No, i eat jun food and chocolate all the time

Which shoe do you put on first?
Right i suppose

Can you crack your neck?

Have you ever met someone famous?

When is the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face?
When was the last time i saw nespien peo?

What's your favorite soup?
Cream of mushroom.

Have you ever found anything gross in one of your McDonald's meals?
You means besides a chemically altered dead cow, which by the way taste delicious.

What's your favorite zoo animal?
How many times do i have to say RAINBOW COLOURED ZEBRAS

Did you have imaginary friend(s) as a child?
No, do i look like Justin?Thank god no

Do you still watch cartoons?
Yep, i think everyone does from time to time, to escape the seriousness of their lives ?
Signing off @ 12:22 PM

Quiz 1
Anyway this quiz was take frm my pri schs frens blog who i dint rmbr until bout few minutes ago when i was talking to Clarences friend whos know in the same class as her, and fine i was being mean to him. He did tell me to go drown in a lake, but i ussually have tt effect on ppl so i'm not all that bothered by it. Anyway thank you Ian Tan for this , since this looks kind of like a cool quiz. And clarence this Ian isnt some big buff guy i hope?

This is one of those how feminine , how manly are you quizzes. So lets see where Zameer Awesome Husref stands on this one.

Your boy side
[Z] You love hoodies.Hoodies are cool
[ Z] You love jeans.Yeah i do
[ ] Dogs are better than cats.

[z] You've played with/against boys on a team.
[ ] Shopping is torture. No way...
[ ] Sad movies suck. A dude can watch the notebook dammit!
[ ] You own an X-Box.
[ Z] Played with Hotwheels cars as a kid.
[Z ] At some point in time, you wanted to be a firefighter. A shock perhaps, but ladder 49 was one hell of a movie
[Z ] You own a DS, PS2 or Sega.
[ Z] You used to be obsessed with the Power Rangers.Tommy the white ranger, my all time favourite, and yes i remembered the name
[ Z] You watch sports on TV.
[Z] Gory movies are cool. 300 was the shit
[ ] You go to your dad for advice.
[ ] You own like a trillion baseball caps.
[ Z] You like going to football games.
[ ] You used to/do collect baseball cards.
[ ] Baggy pants are cool to wear.
[ ] It's kinda weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people.
[Z] Green, black, red, blue, or silver are one of your favorite colors.
[Z] You love to go crazy and not care what people think.Yeah, i think ppl who know me well enough will no doubt agree with this one?
[Z] Sports are fun.
[Z] Talk with food in your mouth.
[] Wear boxers.
Nah , briefs.

Guy Traits 14.Hmm

Your girl side

[ ] You wear lip gloss.
[Z] You love to shop. Guilty as charged, but hey style is relevant in awesomeism, note tt brynacle
[Z] You wear eyeliner. On stage , and Nikkis bbq was a forfeit, totally not counted
[Z] You have some of the same shirts in different colors.Thats something girly?Zerohour tees, blue,grey and black
[Z] You wear the color pink.Come on, its the 21st century guys do wear pink.
[ ] Go to your mom for advice.
[] You consider cheerleading a sport. Yeah as much as i consider Victorias Secrets a sport
[ ] You hate wearing the color black.
[Z] You like hanging out at the mall.All teenagers love hanging out one place or another, and if ur in my school sadly, thats parkway

[ ] You like getting manicures and/or pedicures.
[] You like wearing jewelry.
[] Skirts are a big part of your wardrobe.What do i look like way-j?Thank god no.
[] Shopping is one of your favorite hobbies.
[ ] You don't like the movie star wars. WHAT THE HELL?Chicks don't like starwars???Are they not human
[] You are/were in cheerleading, gymnastics or dance.
[Z ] It takes you around 1 hour to shower, get dressed, and put on make-up and accessories.Caring bout the image is also relevant in aweomeism, note again brynie

[ ] You smile a lot more than you should.
[Z] You care about what you look like.Everyone does? Well some cant help it but whatever
[] You like wearing dresses when you can.
[ ] You like wearing body spray/perfume/cologne.
[] You wear girl underwear.
[] Used to play with dolls as little kid.

[] Like putting make-up on someone else for the joy of it.
[Z] Like taking pictures of yourself with your cell phone/camera when you're bored.
Im vain not girly....My ego is also relevant in awesomeism

Girl Traits 8.

[Z]your name is zameer husref

Awesome traits, infinite

~Z Husref Signing Off~
Signing off @ 10:57 AM

Here i go again
So i just decided im going Kl , its 1.20 and im leaving at 430. so i doubt i'll be sleeping till then
so , im probably gna be posting a few quizzes frm now till then to kill the time, maybe , im not sure.
And so i wont be posting frm tmrw till the 27th(and sir brynacle, i expect at least 2 posts on ur blog when i get bacK) so until then my children,

~Z Husref Signing Off~
Signing off @ 9:18 AM

Chinese Democracy?
Well, it is a good album i have to say. But its just not guns and roses....
Axl rose can't pull off the whole thing by himself, and therein lies my dissapointment in Chinese Democracy. So i'll just live off the classics i suppose. Including my all time favourite Guns song

Shed a tear cause i'm missing you.

~Z Husref Signing Off~
Signing off @ 2:25 AM

Saturday, December 20, 2008
Euro Trip,Europe Tips -part 2
Well i decided i put this off long enough, so its time for part 2 to this installment. Willl there be a third? Only time will tell i suppose.
Where was i?
Oh right running to the Eurostar.Of course the best way to get across Europe for most

Tip 8
In Europe Eurostar from country to country.

So all it took was a 2hr 15 minute ride in which it went under the english channel for about 45 minutes, so there went my videos of the scenery, you can find pitch black darkness in S'pore as well, though honestly i think the european darkness would have more class. And then we reached the supposed most romantic city in the world. The first people i saw were a couple from china. Oh joy, more of them. Then while walking to the hotel, we got to see how the french were like , in most cases, not pleasant.

This guy walks into the luggage bag my brothers carrying and starts swearing in french.
Well still nothing beats the rudeness levels in Singapore, sigh

Tip 9
This is for that French prick. Abit of wisdom.
You walk, use your eyes bodoh.

So after deciphering how to get to our hotel in french, we finally reached Citadine Apartments, which i have to say was alot more classy then the English one.Now the receptionist(or whatever they are called ) downstairs said her name was Blanche. Now the weird thing is, thats a name of a place and a metro station. (Not the band,metro is french for subway)So imagine going into a hotel in Singapore and the person says "Hello, my name is Kembangan" .Though after that Blanche said something that made me and my brothers fall in love with her.

"There is free 24hr coffee machine in lobby"


Okay in my family when someone says that its kind of like someone said
"Welcome to heaven, can i take your order?"
So after watching french telivision for an hour, we decided to go check out the famous church, im not sure what its called, and no not notre dame, it was on the tallest hill in Paris supposedly and took like a million steps to get there.

Tip 10
for my parents, if we spend all the time climbing the stairs, we don't actually get to spend time with what is at the top of the stairs.

So we checked out the artfair that was on the hill, and decided to ask why there was an artfair here of all places

"Ou famous painter live here long ago"

What famous painter you ask?

"Ou i don't think you know him, he is french"

No shit sherlock, so who was he

"Oh he very famous in france, but you dont know him"


"He name Pablo Picasso"

Yes , Picasso, and they thought only the french knew him

Tip 11
For old french guy, you sir are an idiot.
Fine that wasn't really a tip, but okay.

So then we made our way to the Tour De Eiffel

Tip 12
If you're going to the Eiffel Tower , go at night, you will not be dissapointed.

Out of all the monuments,buildings and sights i've seen. Not just this Europe trip but amongst everything, the Eiffel Tower was the most Aweomsest

In fact i am now Officialy Adding the Eiffel Tower to the list of Amazing Awesome Always.

This list is still in construction, but its a list of things that are Amazing , of course Awesome and will be Always.
So top of the list comes the Eiffel Tower , maybe it was the lights, and the mist but something about it just made it seem so Majestic, that you felt so out of place and unworthy standing beneath it.

Now the next day is where things got interesting,
Hari Raya Haji, Yup it was Hari Raya and we were in france, so my parents being one of those singaporeans who practice hari raya prayers even though its one of the only 2 that isn't compulsory, had to find a mosque. Well the good thing is that we were in France and there were alot fo Muslims over there. Now the thing about this Hari Raya that was most strange is that its one that i think i'm never going to forget, no i wasn't surrounded by family , no there wasn't all the festive food. But in the morning, we headed to the mosque to pray, and the sight we saw was wow. The streets were lined with people praying , in the middle of the street , in the freezing cold , bare-foot, Blacks,Turkish,Indians,Middle-Easterns, Malays, Pakistanis and Caucasians all stood together and prayed.

Thats how strong their belief was, and thats a sight to remember, that even though i wasn't nowhere near as faithful as them , not even one bit close, nor did i believe what they did. Still one doesn't have to be a saint to admire those who have faith .

That was different from being surrounded my Mats in a stuffy mosque, and thats why im going to remember this Hari Raya for a long time to come.

As soon as we were done with that we met up our travelling buddies and headed to the Notre Dame, from Mosque to Cathedral.Yeah i know. But growing up watching that Gargoyles cartoon it really was awesome i have to say,

Tip 13.
When theres a sign saying no flash phatography, take the advice.
Or like some japanese tourist, and yes some were incredibly hot, you'll get a deathstare from a priest.

So then we made our way to the place where

"The Holy Grail 'neath ancient Roslin waits.
The blade and chalice guarding o'er Her gates.
Adorned in masters' loving art, She lies.
She rests at last beneath the starry skies."

The Lourve.
Was simply awesome , the Lourve also added to Amazing Awesome Always.

Stayed there for hours, and the funny thing is , there are super huge paintings left without security all over the Lourve, but one of the smallest, lies singular on a wall which no one can come more then 10 feet near, covered in crystal bullet proof glass, with a pure gold frame.Its not the most expensive painting in the lourve so why is it so well protected? Well because its one of the most if not the most famous painting in the world.

The Mona Lisa.
She was totally flirting with me, but thats a different story. Anyway we stayed there for hours looking for conspiracy theories to proof the existence of aliens as well as the holy grail and my brother started calling himself.

"Indizavo Jones"

Tip 14
If you're thinking of calling yourself Indizavo Jones. Don't

So then we made our way back to the apartment and the sight we saw we more disgusting then we could have ever imagined.

"Coffee Machine Closed"

So my brothers decided to ask the Night manager about this later on
From what i've heard the conversaton went somewhat like this

"Hi, the coffee machine is close is it?"

"Yes the sign is there"

"But Blanche said it was 24 hours"

His reply was only capable of someone who had a thick french accent

"Blanche is crazy"

Tip 15
Don't trust someone who is named after a Metro Station. Ever.

So the next day was our last real day in Paris, and we decided to go to the ever famous Arc De Triumph, and having 3 teachers with us i of course had to learn the story of the Arc and Joan of Arc.

Napolean, general of the french army was ready to surrender to the english as he thought they had no hope, and then Joan of Arc , who was a nun in position of power at the time, got a revelation from god,telling her to push forward, not to surrender and they would win the battle, so she told this to Napolean, why did he listen? Maybe cause she was a nun, but Napolean did think he was a direct descedant of Julius Cesar, so he couldn't have been all that right in the head. So they decided to continue to fight with what forces they had left, now the english who are of course as presumptuous as ever, Assumed that since they wanted to continue the fight they must have more forces they did not know about, where in truth the french were just taking the biggest risk ever. Then Joan got a second revelation from god, telling her to be one of those to lead in battle, so she cut her hair , put on armour and went to war. And as you may very well know, the french triumphed. Then the Joan got the third and last prediction from god, telling her that the people who she fought for and with were now going to burn her alive, for the soul fact she was a woman, and they could not believe a woman had brought them this triumph when Napolean himself couldn't. And they built the arc for Napolean and the traigc tale Joan of Arc.

So then we decided to shop around , since that was the shopping district of paris. First it rained, then it flurried, then it hailed, and then on the last day of our trip it finally snowed. Insert Awesomness! So it was quite an experience since the last time i saw snow was in melbourne when i was like 5 or 6. oh wait or was it new zealand? okay i cant rmbr which i went first but easily like 6 years ago.

So after a last dinner together in france we decided to call it a night, not to mention we hadn't started packing yet.

So the very next day we were suppose to leave at 10. We woke up at 1030, but if you've been in my family long enough, you should know we're never on time, but we make it somehow or another. So as you might've gussed, i ran throught the streets of Paris with a Backpack, a luggage bag and a videocamera, only in a shirt and jacket having gotten accustomed to the cold, a big change from my 8 layers of clothing and the jacket i wore on my first day in London.

So that was that and the end of My Europe trip, so theres just one last tip i have for everyone,including myself.

Tip 16
If you live in Singapore. Get all the people you like on a plane and migrate to Europe, and drop all the people you don't like in Thailand.

~Z Husref Signing Off~
Signing off @ 9:29 PM

Friday, December 19, 2008
Awesome Explanations
Now some people (my parents) are under the impression that "Awesomeism" is a club or a group of sorts. Awesomeism is a way of life. Awesomeism is what makes us wake up in the morning, go to sleep at night. Not go to work, not go to school.Awesomeism is that feeling you get that people have told you is happiness, Awesomeism has an enemy however, Awesomeism is againts "Outdated" and "Un-Awesomeism". Awesomeism is what makes you able to walk,run, fly(in certain cases.mine.)Awesomeism ables you to recognise rock is music and techno is not. Awesomeism ables you to think about stuff, awesomesism ables you not to think about stuff but to look as though you are thinking about stuff. Awesomeism seperates the general population, Awesomeism proves that all animals are awesome,some are more awesome then others.Awesomeism proves that our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate,not being awesome is our deepest fear,Awesomeism proves that I have a dream, i dream to be awesome. Awesomeism proves that Jude should not make it bad,take a sad song and makee it awesome. Awesomeism proves that "Ill be back, and that i;ll be awesome" Awesomeism proves that the name is Bond, James Awesome Bond, Awesomeism proves that all that glitters is not gold, all that glitters is awesome. Awesomeism proves that Yes We Can , be awesome. Awesomeism proves that rock and roll can save the world, for rock and roll is awesome. Awesomeism proves its as easy as pie, cause pie is awesome.Awesomeism proves that 2 heads are better then one, awesomeism also proves that 3 heads are better then 2. Awesomeism proves that aliens exist, for aliens tried to be awesome, but they couldnt make the cut so they went home. Awesomeism proved that Mariah Carey was black, cause Nick Cannon practices Awesomeism, awesomeism proves that Clay Aiken was gay, cause Clay couldnt make the cut as well. Awesomeism proves that gravity is a fact and not a theory, cause when Issac Newton got hit on the head by an apple, he defined the Apple to be awesome.

And thus i end with a last note of awesomeism

On the 6th day Zameer Husref formed awesomeism, and he said

"Let it be awesome"

~Z Husref Signing Off~
Signing off @ 1:44 AM

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Rules Of Awesomeism
Now i know i was suppose to post euro trip 2 and what not but theres something much more important then that, and the Europes post would have been too bleeding long so yeah.

Rules Of Awesomeism.

Now the ROA are a set of everyday rules , that ones who practice Awesomeism must follow

Rule 1

No thinking after 12(midnight).

This rule is incredibly important , bad things happen if you think after 12. This rule will of course will be on hold, during exam periods when overnight mugging will have to take place, and in that case theres a new set of rules that are in construction will come into play.

Rule 2

Ones awesomeness should never be questioned.

Rule 3

In Awesomeism, the shorter the number of words the better.

E.g. Zameer Awesome Husref.

3 words are the loswest and the best.

Rule 4

No drinking on every second tuesday of an odd month.

This is extremely important and will unfold in events leading up

to the future, which yes, i have seen.

Rule 5

There can only be one commander-in-chief of Awesomeism at

one point of time , now it is Zameer Awesome Husref

Rule 6

No one person can ever know all the secrets of another person

who has practices awesomeism

Rule 7

All the people who practice awesomeism can never have a full

meeting, for no building can contain that amount of

awesomeness, or it would explode.

Rule 8

If the current commander-in-chief of aweosomeism is

assasinated, the next person to be commander-in-chief of

awesomeism will be chosen via a ghostly encounter from the

current commander-in-chief of awesomeism, for the ghost

realm cannot contain that amount of awesomeness, or it would


Rule 9

Any conversation such as THE CRYSTAL CONVERSATION

are hereby forbidden, and speaking of THE CRYSTAL

without the knowledge of the current

commander-in-chief of awesomeism is a crime againts the state

of awesomeism, and status of awesomeism will be taken away

from any awesome man,awesome woman,awesome child will be

taken away.

Rule 10

Anyone who wishes to practice awesomeism or become a

follower,may leave a tag at zombies-are-major-, and have to understand and accept that

zombies are in fact major awesome,though if they take over the

world, its any awesome man,awesome woman or awesome child

for themselves.

The newly formed pledge of Awesomeism is as follows:

I hereby pledge with my soon to be awesome right hand over

my soon to be awesome heart that i will do my everday

awesome deeds in an awesomely awesome way.I also pledge to

remember that the force is with us all,for the force is awesome.

Now i am SOMEthing that inspires AWE. i am AWESOME.

Someone who practices awesomeism must abide by all the rules,as well as to never back stab a fellow awesome one.And to never mock the beatles,led zeppelin,ACDC,guns and roses,ABBA,back to the future,starwars,scarface,the godfather,chuck norris,bruce lee, anyone who has been knighted or waffles. For all of the above are awesome


~Z Husref Signing Off~

Signing off @ 10:04 PM

Saturday, December 13, 2008
This looked fun.
This thing from clarences blog looked kinda fun.
So i'll take a whack at it then(insert british accent)

Dear (the last person who text messaged you):
I don't really know how to tell you this, but (1). I think I realized it (2) (3) and I saw you (4) (5). I'm sure you're (6) enough to understand (7). I'm returning (8) to you, but I'll keep (9) as a memory. You should also know that I (10) (11).
-Your name-

1. What's the color of your shirt?
Blue - Our romance is over
Red - Our affair is over
White - I'll join the monastery
Black - I dislike you
Green - Our horoscope doesn't match
Grey - You're a pervert
Yellow - I'm selling myself
Pink - Your nostrils are insulting
Brown - The mafia wants you
No shirt - You're a loser
Other - I'm in love with your sister

2. Which is your birth month?
January - That night
February - Last year
March - When your dwarf bit me
April - When I tripped on sesame seeds
May - First of May
June - When you put cuffs on me
July - When I threw up
August - When I saw the shrunken head
September - When we skinny dipped
October - When I quoted Santa
November - When your dog ran amok
December - When I changed tennis shoes

3. Which food do you prefer?
Tacos - In your apartment
Pizza - In your camping car
Pasta - Outside of Chicago
Hamburgers - Under the bus
Salad - As you ate enchilada
Chicken - In your closet
Kebab - With Paris Hilton
Fish - In women's clothing
Sandwiches - At the Hare Krishna graduation
Lasagna - At the mental hospital
Hot dog - Under a state of trance
None of the above - With George Bush and his wife

4. What's the color of your socks?
Yellow - Hit on
Red - Insult
Black - Ignore
Blue - Knock out
Purple - Pour syrup on
White - Carve your initials into
Grey - Pull the clothes off
Brown - Put leeches on
Orange - Castrate
Pink - Pull the toupee off
Barefoot - Sit on
Other - Drive out

5. What's the color of your underwear?
Black - My best friend
White - My father
Grey - Bill Clinton
Brown - My fart balloon
Purple - My mustard soufflé
Red - Donald Duck
Blue - My avocado plant
Yellow - My penpal in Ghana
Orange - My Kid Rock-collection
Pink - Manchester United's goalkeeper
None - My John F. Kennedy statue
Other - The crazy monk

6. What do you prefer to watch on TV?
Scrubs - Man
O.C. -Emotional
One Tree Hill - Open
Heroes - Frostbitten
Lost - High
House - Scarred
Simpsons - Cowardly
The news - Mongolic
Idol - Masochistic
Family Guy - Senile
Top Model - Middle-class
None of the above - Ashamed

7. Your mood right now?
Happy - How awful I've felt
Sad - How boring you are
Bored - That Santa doesn't exist
Angry - That your pimples are at the last stage
Depressed - That we're cousins
Excited - That there is no solution to this
Nervous - The middle-east
Worried - That your Honda sucks
Apathetic - That I did a sex-change
Ashamed - That I'm allergic to your hamster
Cuddly - That I get turned on by garbage men
Overjoyous - That I'm open
Other - That Extreme Home Makeover sucks

8. What's the color of your walls in your bedroom?
White - Your ring
Yellow - Your love letters
Red - Your Darth Vader-poster
Black - Your tame stone
Blue - The couch cushions
Green - The pictures from LA
Orange - Your false teeth
Brown - Your contact book
Grey - Our matching snoopy-bibs
Purple - Your old lottery coupons
Pink - The cut toenails
Other - Your memories from the military service

9. The first letter of your first name?
A/B - Your photo
C/D - The oil stocks
E/F - Your neighbour Martin
G/H - My virginity
I/J - The results of your blood-sample
K/L - Your left ear
M/N - Your suicide note
O/P - My common sense
Q/R - Your mom
S/T - Your collection of butterflies
U/V - Your criminal record
W/X - David's Tricot outfits
Y/Z - Your grades from college

10. The last letter in your last name?
A/B - Always will remember
C/D - Never will forget
E/F - Always wanted to break
G/H - Never openly mocked
I/J - Always have felt dirty before
K/L - Will tell the authorities about
M/N - Told in my confession today about
O/P - Was interviewed by the Times about
Q/R - Told my psychiatrist about
S/T - Get sick when I think of
U/V - Always will try to forget
W/X - Am better off without
Y/Z - Never liked

11. What do you prefer to drink?
Water- Our friendship
Beer - Senility
Soft drink - A new life as a clone
Soda - The incarnation as an eskimo
Milk - The apartment building
Wine - Cocaine abuse
Cider - A passionate interest for mice
Juice - Oprah Winfrey imitations
Mineral water - Embarrassing rash
Hot chocolate - Eggplant-fetishism
Whisky - To ruin the second world war
Other - To hate the Boston Celtics

12. To which country would you prefer to go on a vacation?
Thailand - Warm regards
USA - Best regards
England - Good luck on your short-term leave from jail
Spain - Go and drown yourself
China - Disgusting regards
Germany - With ease
Japan - Go burn
Greece - Your everlasting enemy
Australia - Greetings to your frog Leonard
Egypt - Fuck off now
France - In pain

Dear Jun Hua
I don't really know how to tell you this , but i'll join the monastery.I think i realized it when your dwarf bit me
in your camping car and i saw you sit on bill clinton . Im sure you're awful enough to understand how awful i've felt.Im returning the pictures from LA, but im keeping your grades from college as a memory.You should also know that i always wanted to break a new life as a clone. Go and drown yourself.
Zameer Husref

Go and drown yourself
Zameer Husref

~Z Husref Signing Off~
im wayy to tired to blog bout paris now....
Signing off @ 11:37 PM

Euro Trip, Europe Tips. -Part 1.
Well i was going to wait until i had the phtographic evidence up on facebook before i wrote this post, but i realized anyone who actally reads my blog is already my friend on facebook(i think) so im just going to go ahead and write. So lets start at Singapore Airport then shall we, firstly it involves me running with a luggage bag, a video camera and a backpack through the airport before realising our flight wasnt for a next couple of hours.And after that, wait no no no, Just imagine alot of anoying people, alot of stupid security, alot of time wasting and even more anoying ppl and you have my time at Singapore Airport and even on the flight, oh do add in one very hot air stewardess and yeah. Doha Airport at 2am in the morning(Local time)And in case you don't know, Doha is full of arabics, so its abit ironic when ur going for the security check.

I mean
how would you feel if this guy was asking you if you had anything to declare? Ironic indeed.
It was 6 in the morning in Doha, but the weird part was, everyone seemed strangely widely awake.Bustling around everywhere.

Tip 1.
Never say the word BOMB in an airport.

Why u ask?Well this guy in front of me was speaking in arabic to his friends, making some kind of joke. He said bomb once or twice,before he was approched by these two guys and brought aside. Later i saw his friends boarding the plane, but he was still MIA. Woah. Stopped my quick tounge from any bomb cracks...

Another 7 hour and 50 minute flight later, in which i watched Mamma Mia twice.... Yes i did.Its a disease i tell you, oh and The Incredible Hulk, the one with Edward Norton is beyond awesome! I cant belive i hadnt watched it since then .

Tip 2.
This tip is meant for my mum and my bro, firstly for my mum. When ur watching a show with earphones on a plane, dont L.O.L and that repeat the lines as though everyone is watching the same thing or yes, people will stare. Secondly for my brother, when your asleep on a plane, dude do not snore, or yes people will stare.

Anyway finally touched down in London at Heathrow Airport. When we finally got off the plane there were only two thoughts in my head, Hell yeah im in london and Hell no its fukin cold. And once i got into the main street another thought crossed into my head, hell yeah english chicks are hot.Running through the streets of Notting Hill to get to our apartment, which we passed twice withput noticing of course. And as soon as we got to london , i realised something about my entire family, we had all started slanging, and asides from mine of course, most of it was well horrible. I actually heard my mum say

"Shall i go prepare some tea then love ?" to my dad. Never in my 14 years of existence have i heard her use those words in in that pattern.Wow.

Tip 3.
Unless you can pull off an english accent, dont try to use one.

So we decided to leave the apartment around 8.30 at night, in actuality, it was only 5. It gets dark wayy too early in london. During winter of course. So this time prepared in my 6 layered clothing, we ventured out in to the night to pursue that flightly tempress adventure, or something like that.It was awesome, from the hot girls to the hobbos. Woah, and that woah was for the hobbos, go to London, you'll see what i mean.Right , the next day we decided to take down the main London Sights, which are of course London Bridge, Tower Bridge, Tower of london, Big Ben and the Parliment house.We actually manage to cover all of that in the afternoon belive it or not, well they are all relatively close by anyway. London Bridge is probably the most overrated thing in the history of london, where in fact the hyped up bride commonly mistaken for london bridge is in fact Tower Bridge. Common Misconceptions all over England, another one would be Stratford upon Avon. But i'll get to that soon enough, Anyway the Big Ben and Parliment house were especially cool to see if you've watched V for Vendetta easily 10 times like i have, though its not blowing up and overture 1812 cant be heard from anywhere, but still , Worthit.By then it was dark as we made our to Buckingham Palace, and by dark i mean around 5. This was a conversation that took palce amongst us in front of Buckingham Palace.

F:Eh not bad ah, Orchard Road also have aper...


Me:Eh sekali Fabio Capello come out ah.


This went on for more then 15 minutes, yes thats how free we were.

We hopped on the tube and made our way to the most hyped up shopping centre in London, Harrods. Owned By the Late Princess Diana's finaces family. How posh was it?
The loo(as they say in england) is nicer then my sitting area, and the cheapest tie, was 20 pounds above my budget. So after many blows to our self-esteem, we deicded to call it night.
So in the subway, my bro was reading something about how rich beyonce and jay-z were and that they were one of the richest couples in the world or something like that, and he said "Imagine if they have kids"
Then me, forgetting where i was actually said "Wow, those would be some spoilt n*ggas" and my immediate reaction was O.O. As was my brothers.

Tip 4.
If your in London , in a subway , in the middle of a night. Don't you ever say the word i said, cause if your not as lucky as me. You will be killed.

Looking around breathing heavily, we realised there were no coloured people around . Though a few white ones were staring. PHEW.

Day 3.

I got off the train, without looking back, i ran out into the street, as it drizzled i ran faster, glancing at my watch , i ran even faster, teh i paused , i stopped and i stared in awe. There i was, EMIRATES STADIUM!!!!!!The tour was beyond awesome , like wayy beyond. WAYY. The tour guide was this cool guy who went through all Arsenal facts, I got pictures in the Dressing Room with RVPs,Almunias,Captain Cescs,Adebayors, Walcotts and Nasris Jersey, As well as on the field. One word.


Yes. And i found out someething about Arsene Wenger, during his 10 years coaching in Japan, he picked up Feng Shui and became a keen follower. Now in Feng Shui, the best shape is a rectangle, so the arsenals dressing room is a perfect rectangle. And the worst shape in Feng Shui is a square, so u bet you can guess what shape the away dressing room is.After the tour, my bro headed off to meet his friends at Oxford and the rest of us made our way to Winsdor Castle.

Tip 5.
Before you go to a 700 year old castle, make sure its open.

Yeahs, Windsor castle was closed. So we made our way back to the apartment and yeah. not really sure what else we did then, hmm.

The next day , the original plan was to go to Stratfor upon Avon.The birthplace of Shakespeare and his Queen and with a chance to actually see his actualy house, however we soon found out that it was never proven shakespeare actually lived in there and the only proof they have is that the house was left in Shakespeares name, of course i didn't care and still wanted to go. But the other option was to go to Bath, a town nearer then Stratford and the home town of Jane Austen, Jane Austen happens to be my mums favourite and of course shakespeare is mine.

Tip 6.
If theres a conflict of interest regarding where to go, and your mother is my mother.You cannot win.

So Bath it was, well i cant say i didn't enjoy myself, it was cool, especially the roman bath, which is where julius cesar use to chill when he was in england, and i got an awesome picture with a resteferian guitar playing dude. We checked out Hyde Park back in london after that, if you don't know where that is, you must not have watched Mr Bean. If you didn't watch Mr Bean, your parents must not have loved you.
Next day, got up early to check out the Portabello Market where i of course got lots of awesome stuff. Including my beatles shirt!Muahahah!Inside joke...
Anyway, after spending the afternoon there, we headed to Soho. In case you don't know what that is, its the red light district of London. Yep, and if you don't know what a red light district is, then you're obviously not very good friends with me. But it is times like these i really enjoy the fact that my parents are as moden and as open as they are. And right after that we headed to the Greatest Castle in london. Where the original King and Queen were. William and Ann. Shakespeares Globe Theatre.

Tip 7.
If youre going to THE GLOBE make sure its open!

Though i still cant complain, just to see it from the outside, was beyond amazing. To walk on the original Jubilee Walk, and to see the original Jubilee Hall.
Wow.And so we were heading back to our Apartments when we passed by a store in the underground, and i glanced in and walked on. Before doubling back to the store and going WOAH. What?Had i lost track of dates during the holidays? How could i forget?

This is what i saw.

And so i bought the latest and supposedly the last addition the Harry Potter collection, in London. How cool is that?And for about 6 pounds if i remember right, and of course i finished it the very same night, My favourite quote is from the fountain of fair fortune

"Pay me the proof of your pain"

And the very next morning, we were to depart for Paris..
And so for the second time in 5 days i was running while pulling a luggage bag, a video camera and yes a backpack.

~Z Husref Signing Off~
Its wayy too long too include Paris in this post as well, so i divided it into parts.

Signing off @ 7:11 AM

Thursday, December 11, 2008
Back To Bother Me
So i just touched down Spore and im of course going to have an awesomely long post of the my trip in london, but i need to wait for my bro to start uploading the pics, so yeah. Anyway, i finally finished long time due work in progress!On the train on the way to Bath, the town where Jane Austen lived. And of course the perfect place to finish a poem, next to Stratford or the Globe that is

As I Stayed:
A story of change
by Zameer Husref

As i stayed and watched the rain,
i realized i felt no pain,
the wounds i once had known,
had healed and my skin had grown

As i stayed and watched the storm,
i took note of my new form,
things that would've hurt me then,
now make me laugh as i comprehend

As i stayed and watched it clear,
i now knew i had no fear,
The changes i see in all ways,
i look towards the rest of days

As i stayed and watched the sky,
i no longer had to lie,
the voice that i once had knew,
away had gone without a cue,

As i stayed and watched the clouds,
i was now not as proud,
Those who i had known before,
now appear as nothing more

As i stayed and watched the moon,
i no longer was in tune,
those whom i use to admire,
have long sine lost their fire

As i stayed and watched the stars,
i was now freed of bars,
The trees that stood rigid then,
now are hollow;i understand

As i stayed and watched the night,
i observed my new might,
the river that flowed and flowed again,
now lies stagnant ,still and stained

As i stayed and watched the dawn,
i was calm i did not mourn,
Those who i thought were true ,
were nothing as i thought i knew

As i stayed and watched the sun,
i was no longer forced to run,
those i valued in this life,
turned out to be a sacrifice

As i stayed and watched the day,
i now knew i had a say,
all is different;not the same
i was champion of the game

As i stayed and watched the rain ,
i realized i felt no pain,
Things change i understood,
and i was right;i knew i would.


The bolded line if my personal favourite. Srictly a Zameer Husref piece of work, if copied or plagarised in anyway. You will be hunted, you will be shot, you will be brought to a hospital and when you are in a healthy position, you will be shot again.Thrice.

Anyway this is only the 6th to the Zameer Husref poem archive, if u date back to the november posts, alone i sit on the first. Yeah that was number five, also a Zameer Husref work. what can i say? Im awesome.

Right the europe post should be up soone enough.
Signing off @ 1:54 AM

Monday, December 1, 2008
Doha International . Airport of course
Good Morning Singapore!!!!!Scream for me!!! is what i would say if i was awesome superstar , and well i am. Anyway won't be posting till im back which is on the 11th .Yup. So for all you people with no lives, im sry for yet another dissapointment in your life.\

~Z Husref Signing Off\~
Signing off @ 7:24 PM

Hi Ho Silver Away!
Well i'm flying off tonight, the first time i've been on a plane since 2003. An amazingly long time. The last time i was on a plane, the world just discovered SARS,Oprah wasn't the worlds richest woman. When ppl spoke of Ronaldo they did not mean Cristiano. I didn't know the how awesome i was. And the Da Vincci code had just come out. Not the movie, the book. Yes i know...Wow.

So i'm off to Europe for a little over a week. And im sure its going to be beyond awesome. Awesome. Yep. I said it, awesome. Whoo, so if you haven't been nice to me, you're not getting anything. If you have been nice to me, im still probably not going to get you anything, and if you're brynacle, hah. gd luck.

Oh and i finally didsomething that i have wanted to do for an amazingly long time, well not since 2003, but since july 2008. Yep a confrontation for those who know. Though it wasnt as cool as i imagined, so im not gna be bothered anymore. Sigh

Anyway, see you on the 11th.

~Zameer Husref Signing Off Mate init'~
sound english?
Signing off @ 12:14 AM