Friday, March 6, 2009
Im leaving ona jet plane , dont know when ill be back againPromote
and yes i took my tagbord wit me
Signing off @ 10:38 AM
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Sweat , Blood ,Tears. Theatre
So today was thursday, and a thursday like no other. No reheral,no library and i actually paid attention in chemistry. Amazing i know, but with an accent like that, its kind of hard not to listen.So 3i was dismissed early to go support yusof,hareesh,raghu and the rest of the b div cricket team for the national finals. Being probably one of the only people in class who knows how the game is actually playes having watched my brother play it in VS and VJ himself for past years. However i've never really been that interested in the sport myself , always choosing to believe in the theory the brits ripped off baseball and indians typically ripped off a already pirated spot.But i have too say, VS was awesome and it was one hell of a game la. So much so ,that ppl who came dere with no idea that cricket involed the use of a bat were cheering to the best of their abilities to spur on VS. Yusof played awesomely (hats off) Hareesh and Raghu too,as well as the rest of the team. Sad to say though that VS came in second to ACS in the end , though i honestly think things would be different if Sikha wasnt knocked out after only getting 1 run which was based by jst gd luck and positioning by ACS, though from what i heard from the players.This team is alot better since they let us use a runner unlike the pervious years team.Also after winning, they showed sportsmanship by cheering on VS so congrats to them for tt i suppose. Though VS honestly did a fucking aweome job and according to my bro, since i had no idea myself, a lose by 7 pts is amazingly close.
Also though i wasnt there myself , i heard we put up quite a fight in the floorball finals though we came in second again with a score of 6-5.So after a day of shouting (most of it was at the spastic sec 4s) we had a play to attend at night, whoo! smth i know i wld know most about in 3i.So makaned at PP macs after deciding on pp amongst amk hub or kovan.
So about the play, many people didin't get it. So let me simpley say its of course very subjective though u have too prove your substantives. the cast was not consisted of locals which is why they had some natural talent . also their intonation and clarity was spot on. The play had some depth as it was about Aussie in the 70s. And if you were there here are some slight explanations for questions you may have
the reason for the constant use of fuck and other profanities is that in aussie at tt time especially, people honesstly dint give a damn, so too make the play realistic in such a sense, the playrgiht stuck through to it.
Secondly the indian SIA woman, yes she was already dead. In a plane crash like how she asked the white chick, think about it.
The play goes through many periods of time.
And lastly, the naked dancing dude. In the starting of the play he is dressed proffesionally and his moves are very stacatto, though as th play progressess he loses his clothes and he begins to move in a fluent pace. this is to emphasize the human emotion that is depicted by the play as well as to point out the point of th chracter development throughout the timeline, and the evoulution of freedom of speech and acceptence for ppl of colour, in this case the aboriginies, so it shows the gradual movement from slow to huge large in acceptence .So yeah that was his purpose, symbolism.Though on the shallow surcace,he was a diversion for the cast to change.
So thats abt it hats off for cricket & floorball, and dont worry, we still have yusof next year!
Signing off @ 7:42 AM
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
There and back and there again
Its almost 2 in the morning.You know what that means. Quiz Time!Whoooo! As you can see by my previous conversation to sed DHS girl i am completely insane, and yes i have wayy too much free time.TEN ARE YOUS
1. Are you single - Yeah.Now im trying to keep it that way for a little while, stress much.
2. Are you happy - Hmm, okay la.Can get stressed with school, but its as fun as it is fucked.
3. Are you bored - Im doing this arent i?
4. Are you white - .Im pure coffee.Brown and 100% natural.haha
5. Are you Italian- .I honestly wish
6. Are you intelligent - Im intellectual,my iq is 141, im a a1 for eng and a f9 for maths, so how do u define?
7. Are you honest - Nope
8. Are you nice - To my friends who i know are worth a dime, on the surface , not really.
9. Are you Irish - Nope, only like their coffee
10. Are you Asian - Sadly...
1. Full Name - Abdul Zameer Husref BAH
2. Nicknames -The latest;literature boy , zammy and zam zam
3. Birth place -NUS hospital. Civil servants.
4. Hair color - Black
5. Natural hair style - Curly at the tips.
6. Best Friend - Cherisha, Nikki, Sam
7. Birthday - Saturday
8. Mood - Sleepy
9. Favourite colour - Red
10. One place you'd like to visit - Beverly Hills
1. Have you ever been in love - Yeah i suppose.
2. Do you believe in love at first sight - Nope. Its something you have to work at, though 2 ppl can hit it off really well.
3. Do you currently have a crush? - Not right now la.No time for that also
4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally - Yep.
5. Have you ever broken someone's heart -Yep.
6. Have you ever had your heart broken - Yep.
7. Have you ever liked someone but never told them -Hmmm, no actually.Maybe in some instances i dint tell them while i liked them, but some time aft tt.
8. Are you afraid of commitment - Not really.
9. Who was the last person you hugged - Nikki.
10. Who was the last person you said I love you to? - Natalia.Hmmm, that was long time back,wow.
1. Love or lust? -Shit. Cant pick
2. Hard liquor or beer - I dont drink
3. Cats or dogs - Miao ?Miao?Cats stole our clothes!?
4. A few best friends or many regular friends - Few best friends,they last.
5. Creamy or Crunchy - Creamy....
6. Pencil or Pen - Pen
7. Wild night out or romantic night in - Wild child with a soft spot i am
8. Money or Happiness - Happiness abroad, money in spore
9. Night or day - Night
10. IM or phone - IM, im not paying for it.
1. Been caught sneaking out -Nope.
2. Seen a polar bear -Yep.White Is Alright!Ages ago tt was
3. Done something you regret - Makes me human that i have.
4. Bungee jumped -Nope .
5. Eaten food that fell on the floor -5 second rule! .
6. Finished an entire jaw breaker - Nope
7. Been caught naked - Ahem, lets not go into tt.
8. Wanted an ex bf/gf back - .Yep
9. Cried because you lost a pet - Nope.
10. Wanted to disappear -YES .
1. Smile or eyes - Smile for sure
2. Light or dark hair - Light
3. Hugs or kisses -Kisses, if i wanted a hug i'd have gotten a dude in a purple dinosour suit
4. Shorter or taller - Shorter la,Im not that tall myself
5. Intelligence or attraction - Good mix
6. Hot Topic or Hollister -Hot top
7. Funny or serious - Funny
8. Older or Younger -+2 or -2
9. Outgoing or quiet - outgoing , needs to fit me
10. Sweet or Bad - Err, both with a tinge more of bad. Fiesty
1. Ever performed in front of a large crowd - Yep. many a times
2. Ever talked on the phone for longer than an hour - Yeah, overnight
3. Ever tried walking on your hands -Yes, and no i cant
4. Ever been to a rock concert - yep!
5. Ever been on a cheerleading team -....... No.
6. Ever been on a dance team - Lol. no
7. Ever been on a sports team - Yep, pri school, anyone can get in
8. Ever been in a drama play/production - Yep a number of times
9. Ever owned a BMW, Mercedes Benz, Escalade, Hummer or Bentley? - Id pick the benz when i get one
10. Ever been in a rap video? - Yep! Haha.
1. Last phone call you made - Nicole
2. Last person you hugged -Nikki
3. Last person you hung out with - 3i ppl
4. Last time you worked - Err , last year
5. Last person you tackled - ABHIRAM!
6. Last person you IM'd - G-man
7. Last person you texted -Hao lin
8. Last person(s) you went to the movies with -Bloody idiots who made me watch red cliff
9. Last person/thing you missed -The NAPS people. After toking to zhen ting made me realise haven't seen them in forever
Signing off @ 9:57 AM
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
To Catch You. Up that is.
So Ive been tied up quite abit lately, mostly procrastinating and on mindlessly wandering on MSN. So these are the kinds of conversations i had, for eg[keith] c'mon cricket! says:
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
then we go support gandu papa
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
u psl nead lead cheer
[keith] c'mon cricket! says:
go support lingem la
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
wharmasharma oso
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
[keith] c'mon cricket! says:
eh tag my blog
[keith] c'mon cricket! says:
i cannot take it
[keith] c'mon cricket! says:
its dying.
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
mine oso deyy
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
class one oso
[keith] c'mon cricket! says:
why at night need long sleeve
[keith] c'mon cricket! says:
fucking hot
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
jst bring in case loh
[keith] c'mon cricket! says:
where you get one the list
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
we at nite no need slp ah
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
vs website
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
go wander arnd!
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
find ghost!
[keith] c'mon cricket! says:
eh seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee my tag
[keith] c'mon cricket! says:
omg fucking funny
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
wad tag?
[keith] Let's do it Gandu Papa raghuwanmasharma and girlyman! (: says:
class blog the tag.
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
u anyhow spell la deyy
[keith] Let's do it Gandu Papa raghuwanmasharma and girlyman! (: says:
i not indian sorry
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
nid to learn
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
for raghu!
[keith] Let's do it Gandu Papa raghuwanmasharma and girlyman! (: says:
kay kay sorry
[keith] Let's do it Gandu Papa raghuwanmasharma and girlyman! (: says:
how your matrice tuition
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
deyy i nvr go
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
i go back sch debatte wit chung cheng high
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
[keith] Let's do it Gandu Papa raghuwanmasharma and girlyman! (: says:
[keith] Let's do it Gandu Papa raghuwanmasharma and girlyman! (: says:
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
wad how?
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
i good la
[keith] Let's do it Gandu Papa raghuwanmasharma and girlyman! (: says:
the result how !
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
spar session
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
no result
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
but vs better
Yep littat.
Or something like this.
Wonder of my world says:
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
gandu papaaaaa
Wonder of my world says:
its damn funny
Wonder of my world says:
the way yusof says it
Wonder of my world says:
like a retard
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
jst now i toking to him into bus
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
oh my
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
in the bus i mean
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
then he tell me
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
" i cannot find girlfren, later she fall on floor i laugh, then i yeah! then she scold me i tell her gandu papa!"
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
in his retarded wae
Wonder of my world says:
Wonder of my world says:
oh my god
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
i cld not stop laughing
Wonder of my world says:
Wonder of my world says:
he ah
Wonder of my world says:
oh gosh
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
Wonder of my world says:
not even 1/4 year
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
Wonder of my world says:
we have 2 yrs with him eh
Wonder of my world says:
we're gonna die
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
Wonder of my world says:
this class is gonna kill us
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
though i think were adding to the death toll
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
i wun be surprised
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
influence like major
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
u summore nail nvr cut like some chinatown buto
Wonder of my world says:
i can be bernard
Wonder of my world says:
Wonder of my world says:
he's teaching me alot of rubbish
Wonder of my world says:
the art of pon-ing class
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
u all basterd u noe
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
i nt sure whether to pon not
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
then i go in clas reasy
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
u all pon
[RED=RED]Riddle Me This[RED LA] says:
chee bai
Wonder of my world says:
Wonder of my world says:
And when i get amazingly bored, i tok to the Fugly DHS girl jun hua got me to add to annoy since she annoyed him somehow before, and yes i do act like a majorly spastic excuse for a humab being.Though it is very much amusing.
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
hey there
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
your from DHS right?
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
eh wait who are u ah
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
im from VS ! Smart right!
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
i saw you at the badminton finals the other daee
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
haha hello
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
im zeemraz btw
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
oh hi zeemraz
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
hey there
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
LOLLOL u single?
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
ohs.You dont lie ah...
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
wait i dun rmb seeing u
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
okay maybe cos i dun even know how u look like
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
thats me>>>

[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
the guy the with guitar
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
oh haha
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
thats friggin cool
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
cos theres a guitar right in front of me
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
like how you is holding it too
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
you plae?
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
cool siol!!
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
oh u're 14 this year isit?
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
15 la deyy
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
ohya 94
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
you plae guitar summore! Wah cool seh!!
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
haha im like ur snr!
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
Gandu papa! Rlly!
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
tsk girls play guitar not as seh as guys play guitar
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
seh? i say what?
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
joke la
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
its cos u all vs guys see girls like as though in ur whole life never see girls before like that.
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
I never, girl all the same height lik u ah?
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
eh heh same
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
U lie la
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
cool seh
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
if u single u tell me ah
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
den dowan
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
ur bf frm where one?
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
spore poly
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
he dun cannot go jc ah?
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
poly! wah so cool siaaa
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
yup poly sounds more fun according to him
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
then u oso go poly ah?
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
no lah im in dhs still
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
ip mah
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
u ip ah?
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
cool ah
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
no lah stress
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
stress where?
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
u ah?
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
yah alot of work mah
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
oh so u mean
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
cause alot of work
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
stress ah
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
eh i dont understand
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
how come?
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
cos alot of work to do
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
thats why stress.
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
oh oh
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
so because you stress, you got alot of work to do
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
oh ic ic
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
sry loh
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
I not smart like that
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
i DSA mah
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
my agreegate 186.9
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
okay lah just work harder lo
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
work hard for what?
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
i think i grow up tt time
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
become either dance coach or policeman
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
policeman so cool!
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
can anyhow shoot ppl!
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
fun mah
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
spore have police like u sure gonecase
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
cannot ah?
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
i thought got gun mean can shoot ppl one?
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
bastard , my mother lie to me
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
ur head
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
if shoot anyone
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
need to write report
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
and explain alot
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
alot alot writing to do
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
but i write
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
not gd loh
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
my compo
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
get like 6 or 7 littat upon 30
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
then my teacher scold me
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
next time i policeman
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
shoot him oso loh!
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
then fun littat
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
u grow up wan become wad?
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
become techer?
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
then can become rich one
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
my teacher drive car
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
big one sehh
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
got 4 wheels summore
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
haha which car dun have four wheels lah uncle
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
i wanna be a psychologist
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
so can psycho my bf
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
and pple
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
all cars got 4 wheels meh?
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
no la
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
my mother drive one
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
got 2 wheels oni
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
one in front
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
one in back
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
then got like 2 bar like tt
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
cause she cannot buy 4 wheel car
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
then buy 2 wheel one
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
not many on the roads lah
(The Elevens) rach. persevere! says:
that one call motorcycle alr maa
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
rlly meh?
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
i lik nvr hear b4 la
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
u anyhow go make up rite...
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
ok ok i go first
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
nxt time u tell me more ah
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
about ur motorcycle thing
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
[RED=RED]Now now why don't you get a job?[RED LA] says:
bye !
Yes im aware that im retarded. Yes im also aware i've too much free time. Yes.
Signing off @ 6:58 AM
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Project Shorten Curriculum Time
No no no this isn't some lewd idea, but an actual suggestion to Victoria School.Do note the below is merely a suggestion from a point of view, not intended to offend anyone or the school in any manner.Though it is completely worth reading and i think a great idea.Project Shorten Curriculum Time
· A period is for some reason, 35 minutes. This is a fairly awkward number, we’ve 10 periods on most days, 11 if you include recess. Take out 5 minutes from each period making it 30 mins per lesson. (Many teachers aren’t even on time and spend only 30 minutes teaching per lesson, is the 5 minutes for them to take their own sweet time)
· Making each day 55 minutes shorter. Some are under the impression that if students have so much free time in the afternoon, they will loiter, idle and get up to no good, Fine then, make school start 55 minutes later.
· School starts officially at 720. If we start 55 minutes later, school starts at 825.
· Now lets look at the concept of morning assembly, 30 minutes is used. And what for? VS SPORT RESULTS 2009.CCA ANOUNCEMENTS.BLAH BLAH BLAH .Take out the 20 minutes used for this and proceeding to the hall,parade square and back to the classrooms.And you have 10 minutes for the singing of school song,national anthem and the taking of the pledge(That can be done simply over the PA system). *
· So after getting rid of all this, school now starts at 840.
· And on Monday, do we honestly need 3 periods for CE-TT?Do Victorians,mind you, need an hour and forty-five minutes to learn why we should or should not steal, cheat, bully or lie. Should we not already know this? And if we do not, are you honestly telling me that this lessons are benefiting in any way then?Or that anyone honestly pays attention and heeds the advice given here?
· So we cut it down to 2 periods. School starts at 915 on a Monday, ends at 215
· School starts at 84o on tuesdays and wednesdays. 835 on a Thursday and 830
· * So if there are no announcements, how will people learn the Sport Results ETC. Theres a school paper system in foreign schools, which could be highly effective in our system. At every sporting event there are fans, someone note down the happenings at the event, proceed to email it to an editor (even perhaps a teacher) who simply compiles all the noted on goings and gets it printed. You don’t even need 1500 copies, im sure in a class there will be people who wouldn’t even take a look at the paper. Make a CCA out of it for godsakes.
· This ensures students being more fresh, have more time to themselves, more time to de-stress and this even goes for the teachers.
Co Founded By:
Zameer Husref
Ismail Shogo
Signing off @ 9:35 AM
Might The Sky Really Be Falling?
Rain. Rain. Rain. To many people , it represents or symbolizes different things.For some it reminds you of a certain memory where the rain played a key fixture. For me , it makes me think of many things, it makes me wonder,makes me remember a few instances. Seeing as the sec 3 camp is coming up soon, its probably the reason why i remember the incident when it started to pour during the sec 1 camp. I remember i'd just finish doing the flyingfox thing and i was talking to err Daniel(graduated ready,the red shirt one,monitors council, was emcee with linus?looks gay but actually has a girlfriend?yea that one.) and i just remember alot of ppl running like idiots me falling and getting my knee scrapped where you can still see today. Yeah that comes back to me.I remember being stuck in a tent with my relatives i heartily disliked a the beach while my family was in another somewhere. And how i eneded up talking to one of my uncles abou LOTR for close to 2 hours. I remember my favourite rain memory as well.Hmm.
Though something about the rain that astounds me is that no matter how far man has advanced in technology, still when it rains many stay at home, cancel their plans, and the only solution to this is the noble umbrelle.I mean we've built flying machines, we've landed on other planets,we can have video conferencing on our mobile phones , yet when it rains,people have to cancel whatever they have planned due to a fear of getting wet.
Its just interesting isn't it.
Anyway this poem is one i always tend to read whenever it rains.
There will be rain
There will be rain here
We normally run for shelter
Who wants to be wet in the rain
And look like a helpless chick in the drain?
There will be rain
And we will be seeking shades under the trees
And run towards waiting sheds where the rain
Cannot harm our sensibilities,
There will be rain and more rains to come
In our lives, and we always run for secure
Shelters, and we always have umbrellas,
And raincoats, and closed cars, we hide to places
Where The rain cannot harm us,
But today, there is rain,
and I will take Another action,
I will not run for shelter,
Or take shades in trees, or be in waiting sheds,
I will not even open my car, get into it and close it,
I am not afraid of rain now; I have no fears getting wet
And look like a helpless chick,
I will run in the Middle of the rain,
I will play in the rain,
I will Be with the rain throughout its pouring,
I will be wet, and it will rain and rain,
Let it rain and rain and rain
You will not see, my tears falling, tears hiding in the rain
Signing off @ 2:15 AM
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Cancel my appointments , the sky is falling
So today was suppose to be a good day, yet for some reason, plans had to be cancelled cause it was raining??????? what, you've never heard of an umbrella? So , i was stuck at home with mostly no one, and after treating myself to ,as keith wld say, a happy meal, i had nothing to do on a saturday. So i counted the coins in my drawer, i have 3.27 in coins, i came online and offline a total of 13 times, i finally memoriesed my lines, i read through the V speech many a times and flirted wih ppl ,via sms (chill just for fun) and no not jaipal, who wldnt slap me for it,i read alot of my old posts, i looked at my maths homework, then i looked away, i realised its my birthday in about a weeks time the 7th, but you dont really have to remem7ber , i mean its not l7ke my birt7day is tha7 b7g a dea7. But just in case you wan7 to ta7e no7e, its the 7th. Hmm being 15 and oh before i forgetBirthday Wishes
Firstly kenneth, whos birthday was on wednesday , happy 15th dude, just owe you one hell of a thanks for assisting me in the bastarding of every single person who walked through the doors of the CO room.All the POH stuff , getting shouted at by the conducor when my phone rang, and my conflicts with my 'best friend' and ah poh. Wldn7 have been as fun if you werent there man.
and K.I.F, keith ,hahas, whos birthday is the 1st ,which was official 26 mins ago. I think i pretty much sed all i've too on ur tagboard so just a thing to note is that 3i wouldn't be as fun if you andyour white specs weren7 there.So happy birthday and i get ee poh l to sing birthday song to you on mon.
Righ7 thats that, so where was i?Oh right boring saturday,so after much procrastinating, a tantrum and a sprained toe, i finally decided to clean my room. I'd upload the ppics of before and after but im on my mums laptop so can7. Anyways i decided to watch Slumdog online, sadly no links, so i had to go with milk. A good movie no doubt, though definitely not for the homophobic, but shows you alot of human emotion not to mention fantastic perfomances frm sean penn and james franco and e supporting cast i might mention them when i win my oscar in 7 years time. Yes ive planned it!
Anyway thats all that there is , sigh looks like arsenals not doing this well this season. and by not doing this well, i mean completely horrible.
God, i know we dont talk often , or at all for that matter but please give arsene wenger back his brain, if you do ill promise to prayy twice as much as i do now you know. Or at least strike alex ferguson with a lil lightning, thanks , i owe you one.
(2X 0 =?)
Signing off @ 7:48 AM